Sunday, February 21, 2016

Panama Canal

The Panama Canal is the subject of this political cartoon. The cartoonist’s message is that nobody is going to get in the way of President Franklin Roosevelt building the Panama Canal the main reason the Panama Canal was built was for easier transporting of commercial good and other cargo. The second reason the Panama Canal was built was to allow military ships of the United States to have a shorter route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Others opinions could be that Roosevelt shouldn’t have made a canal or that it was unfair he took advantage of the revolution in Panama to build the canal.
A technique that the cartoonist uses is an analogy as he compares Roosevelt to a construction workers, as he shovels away all the dirt that’s getting in between him building his canal. Another artist technique being used is labeling. In the picture the dirt/ rock chunks are labeled with things like “delay” and “influence” which represents that no matter what nothing will get in Roosevelt’s way of building the canal.
This cartoon is supportive on my belief because I think that the Panama Canal was extremely towards the United States and any other nations using this shortcut. This was a great form of easy transportation for commercial good and other cargo. Also, the Panama Canal was beneficial because it allowed military ships of the United States to have a shorter route between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
"The Kiss of the Oceans – the Meeting of the Atlantic and Pacific." : The Kiss of the Oceans – the Meeting of the Atlantic and Pacific. N.p., 18 Feb. 2013. Web. 21 Feb. 2016. <>. 

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