issue at hand is dealing with the Annexation of Hawaii. The issue that the cartoonist
is conversing about is that the woman on the left is depicted as the “daughter”
of Uncle Sam and that she had sent her father a letter saying that everything
is going tremendous. Opinions that others may discuss is that although the
picture depicts Hawaii as thriving and as paradise some might be able to see
behind that mask and recognize that the Hawaiian’s could be upset for being
annexed by the United States government and for the overthrown meant of Queen Liliuokalani.
being used is labeling as the author depicts Hawaii as thriving and having find
climate along with peace, prosperity, and loyalty. There’s also some irony
hinted because in the back you have the message saying, “Report from Filipines:
Send more troops.” You’d think that if the United States was successful in being
able to control Hawaii after they annex it you could imagine the same for the Philippines,
but obviously not so as after the Spanish-American War the Philippines’s had
rebelled. This cartoon doesn’t support my position on American Imperialism
because I believe that America didn’t have the right to annex Hawaii without
their consent.
"Historical Political Cartoons About Hawaii." Https:// N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. <>.
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