main focus of the cartoon is about the Roosevelt Corollary. The cartoonist’s
message on the issue is that Roosevelt is like an umpire who is generally an official who watches a game or match
closely to enforce the rules and arbitrate on matters arising from the play.
Other’s opinions could be that Roosevelt is being too assertive and shouldn’t
get into American Republic affairs.
The cartoonist uses an analogy to compart
Roosevelt to an umpire/baseball player. Labeling is also being used as prosperity
is written under Roosevelt’s feet which means successful in material terms;
or flourishing financially. This supports my opinion on imperialism because I believe
the Roosevelt Corollary is supportive to both the United States and the
American Republic. My reason why is if we were to ever get into another war countries like the Puerto Rico could provide troops or supplied to aid in the war effort and vice versa.
"Roosevelt Corollary." Https:// N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. <>.
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